《中国植物志》|| 杜鹃花科 ERICACEAE ||黄花杜鹃亚组 Subsect. Boothia (Hutch.) Sleumer ||白背杜鹃 Rhododendron leucaspis Tagg
132. 白背杜鹃(西藏植物志)
Rhododendron leucaspis Tagg in Gard. Chron. 85: 128, 135, 308. 1929; Hutch. in Stevenson, Spec. Rhodod. 164. 1930; Curtis's Bot. Mag. 164. t. 9665. 1944; Cowan et Davidian in R. H. S. Rhodod. Year Book, 3: 69. 1948; Cox, Dwarf Rhodod. 85. t. 10. 1973; Cullen in Not. Bot. Gard. Edinb. 39: 138. 1980; Davidian, Rhodod. Spec. 1: 75. 1982;西藏植物志3: 641. 1986;横断山区维管植物下册1440. 1994.
常绿小灌木,高30-60(-100 )厘米;枝密集,直立或匍匐,有时附生。幼枝密被硬毛和鳞片。叶宽椭圆形至倒卵形,先端圆或钝,具小短尖头,基部楔形渐狭,长3-6厘米,宽1.5-3厘米,上面和边缘具疏硬毛,下面苍白色,密被鳞片,鳞片褐色,大小多变,大的较少,下陷,几泡状,相距为其直径或更近;叶柄长4-9毫米,被硬毛和疏鳞片。花序具1-2(3)花;花梗长6-10毫米,有鳞片,无硬毛或有时疏被短柔毛;花萼大,深5裂,裂片圆形至倒卵形,长6-8毫米,绿色或常带红色,基部有鳞片,或有时裂片外有鳞片,边缘密被睫毛;花冠辐状或几为盘状,长2.5-3.2厘米,白色,常带粉红色,花管长8-12毫米,外面有鳞片,无毛或疏被毛;雄蕊10,不等长,花丝下半部或3/4被毛;子房密被鳞片,花柱短,粗壮而强度弯弓,基部被鳞片。蒴果卵形或长圆状卵形,长8-10毫米,被鳞片,花萼宿存。
产西藏东南部(米林、察隅)。生于密茂的灌丛中或河谷草坡,海拔2 100-3 300米。模式标本为采自米林的种子栽培而得。
数据来源 中国植物物种信息数据库 《Flora of China》|| Apiaceae || Rhododendron ||白背杜鹃 Rhododendron leucaspis
138. Rhododendron leucaspis Tagg, Gard. Chron. 85: 308. 1929.
白背杜鹃 bai bei du juan
Dwarf shrubs, erect, straggly, evergreen, sometimes epiphytic, 0.3–0.6(–1) m tall; branchlets scaly, setose. Petiole 4–9 mm, scaly, setose; leaf blade leathery, broadly elliptic to obovate, 3–6 × 1.5–3 cm; base cuneate; apex obtuse, mucronate; abaxial surface glaucous, scales 0.5–1 × their own diameter apart, varying in size, brown, bladderlike, sunk in pits; adaxial surface and margin sparsely setose. Inflorescence 1–2(–3)-flowered. Pedicel 0.6–1 cm, scaly, usually not setose; calyx greenish often also reddish; lobes (6–)7–8 mm, obovate to rounded, persisting to enclose mature capsule, scaly, ciliate; corolla rotate or saucer-shaped, white, often tinged pinkish, 2.5–3.2 cm, tube 8–12 mm, outer surface scaly, inner surface pilose; stamens 10, filaments pubescent towards base or for 3/4 of their length; ovary densely scaly; style stout, sharply bent, short, scaly at base. Capsule ovoid to cylindric-ovoid, 8–10 mm, scaly. Fl. Apr–Jun, fr. Jun–Aug.
Thickets, scrub, slopes, grassy places, cliffs; 2100–3300 m. S Xizang.
数据来源 eFloras.org