Screening botanical herbicide for invasive plant Ipomoea cairica
作者 MA RuiJun; ZHU Hui; CHEN DanSheng; XU GuoXi; WU GanTian
期刊 Chinese Journal of Eco-Agriculture , ,:
Allelopathy of aqueous extracts from the leaves of 17 plant species (reported with allelopathy or potential activity of weed inhibition) on Ipomoea cairica ( L. ) Sweet, a main invasive weed in South China, was used to screen botanical herbicide of invasive weeds. Twelve species are found to be effective inhibitors of I. cairica seedling growth, and the order of their inhibiting strength is Eupatorium catarium (Veldkamp) 〉 Eupatorium odoratum L. 〉 Ligularia virgaurea (Maxim.) Mactf 〉 Artemesia annua L. 〉 Thermopsis lanceolata R. Br 〉 Mikania micrantha Kunth 〉 Lantana camara L. 〉 Paederia scandens ( Lour. ) Merr 〉 Vitex ne- gundo L. 〉 Wedelia trilobata L. 〉Ageratum conyzoides L. 〉 Eucalyptus exserta F. T. Muell. E. catarium, E. odoratum, L. virgaurea, A. annua and T. lanceolata have significant inhibiting effect (P 〈0.01 ,P 〈0. 05 ) on I. cairica seedling growth. E. catarium, E. odoratum and L. virgaurea arc important potential botanical resources of natural herbicide due to their lower concentra- tion effect and wide availability.