Rediscovery of Perilla frutescens as medicinal plant and vegetable with health promoting properties

作者 Krauss, S; Habegger, R; Schnitzler, W; Grassmann, J


摘要 Chinese medicine has used Perilla frutescens for centuries, either alone or in combination with other herbs. Recent scientific studies have shown its antiallergic, anticancerogenic, antiinflammatory and antioxidative effects. Different plant components may be used. Perilla essential oil, because of its antimicrobial and antibacterial action, is not only applied to medicine, but also to preserve food. The ''fatty'' oil of Perilla has been shown to inhibit the growth of some types of cancer while a-linolenic acid of Perilla is nearly as effective as fish oil in reducing blood cholesterol and triglyceride concentrations. Especially cultivars with violet leaves called Perilla Red show high antioxidative capacity due to their anthocyan and flavonoid content.Besides its pharmaceutical applications, Perilla plays an important role in Asian cuisine (China, Japan, Korea). Beefsteak Plant, the English name of Perilla, is used to prepare and preserve meat. Its lemon-like, sweetish taste makes Perilla, and Perilla Red in particular, an interesting ingredient.

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