Antifungal activities of the extracts from25 traditional Chinese medicines against 5 plant pathogenic fungi

作者 Niu Shanguang; Du Fengyu

期刊 Plant Protection , 2015,4:41

摘要 The antifungal activities of the extracts from25 traditional Chinese medicines against 5 plant pathogenic fungi,Valsa mali,Botryosphaeria dothidea,Fusarium oxysporum f.sp.vasinfectum,Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, and Alternaria brassicae,were studied using the growth rate method.The methanol extracts of most of 25 traditional Chinese medicines showed antifungal activities against at least one plant pathogenic fungi.The inhibition rates of extracts from Anemarrhena asphodeloides,Artemisia annua,Asarum heterotropoides var.mandshuricum, and Dictamnus dasycarpus were more than75%against 3 plant pathogenic fungi.The extracts fromRubia cordifolia and Curcuma longaalso showed the significant inhibition rates of more than80%against 4 plant pathogenic fungi at the concentration of 5 mg/mL.The methanol extract of R.cordifolia was further isolated to obtain four subfractions using different polar solvents.The bioactive screening exhibited that the subfraction of watersaturated n-butanol showed a better antifungal activity than those of petroleum ether and ethyl acetate,which indicated that the bioactive compounds of R.cordifolia should have the medium and large polarities.


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