Effects of some Chinese medicinal plant extracts on five different fungi

作者 Lee, Sheng-Hsien; Chang, Ku-Shang; Su, Min-Sheng; Huang, Yung-Sheng; Jang, Hung-Der

期刊 FOOD CONTROL , DEC 2007,12:18

摘要 Chinese medicinal plant extracts were screened against some fungal strains, such as Aspergillus niger, Botrytis cinerea, Fusarium moniliforme, Glomerella cingulata, and Phyllosticta caricae. Plants were extracted with hot water, 80% methanol or acetone. Aliquots of the extracts at variable concentrations were then incubated with different fungal strains, and the minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) of each plant extract determined. In this Study, the methanol extracts of Cinnamomum cassia had MIC values of 13.3 mg ml(-1), when tested against F moniliforme and P. caricae. The acetone extracts of C cassia had MIC values of 8.3 mg ml(-1) and 10 mg ml(-1) respectively, when tested against B. cinerea and G. cingulata. The hot water extracts of C. cassia inhibited significantly the growth of A. niger, B. cinerea, F moniliforme, and P. caricae with MIC values at 10, 11.7, 5, and 6.7 mg ml(-1) respectively. The acetone extracts of Curcuma longa inhibited effectively P. caricae with the MIC value at 6.7 mg ml-1. To determine the stability, various plant extracts were stored at 4 and 25 degrees C over a period of one month and their effects on fungal growth examined. Results show that the acetone extracts of Cu. longa and Coptidis rhizoma maintained their activity against fungal strains when stored at 4 degrees C, but not at 25 degrees C. The methanol extracts of C cassia lost a great portion of inhibitory activities but not all, after stored at 4 degrees C and 25 degrees C for one month. The effect of various combinations of these extracts on antimicrobial activity has also been examined. The combinations of herb extracts showed higher inhibitory effect towards tested fungi than that of individual extract. Results from these findings suggest that these herbal extracts may be used as natural antifungal agents to inhibit growth of foodborne pathogen. (c) 2007 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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