A Comprehensive Mini-Review of Curcumae Radix: Ethnopharmacology, Phytochemistry, and Pharmacology

作者 Hu, Dongyi; Gao, Jiayu; Yang, Xiao; Liang, Ying


摘要 Curcumae Radix is an efficacious ingredient with various medicinal properties empirically used in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) formula for the treatment of cancer, depression, chest pain, dysmenorrhea, epilepsy, and jaundice. However, either phytochemical or pharmacological information of Curcumae Radix underlying its traditionally medicinal uses is rarely summarized and systematically analyzed. To provide evidence for clinical trials, a comprehensive literature review has been prepared of the phytochemicals, and ethnopharmacological and pharmacological mechanisms of this herb. The review approach consisted of searching several web-based scientific databases, including PubMed, Web of Science, and Elsevier. The keywords included Curcumae Radix, Curcuma wenyujin, Curcuma longa, Curcuma kwangsiensis, and Curcuma phaeocaulis. Based on the proposed criteria, 57 articles were evaluated in detail. The accumulated data indicate that Curcumae Radix contains a number of bioactive phytochemicals, mainly sesquiterpenes, diarylheptanoids, and diarylpentanoids, which account for a variety of medicinal values, such as anticancer, anti-inflammation, anti-hepatic fibrosis, and antioxidant. A wide range of apoptotic proteins, cell adhesion molecules, inflammatory cytokines, and enzymic and nonenzymic antioxidants could be modulated by either Curcumae Radix or its bioactive compounds, thus underpinning a fundamental understanding for the pharmacological effects of this herb. This review highlights the therapeutic potential of Curcumae Radix to progress the development of versatile adjuvants or therapeutic agents in the future.


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