Preliminary research of insecticidal activities of fourteen chinese meterial medicines

作者 Ding Wei; Zhang Yongqiang; Chen Shijiang; Zhao Zhaimo; Zhu Yuzhen

期刊 Journal of Southwest Agricultural University , 2003,5:25

摘要 The ethanol and ether extracts were obtained with a recycling distilled device from 14 Chinese material medicines: Sy-ringa vulgaris , Phytolacca amercana , Curcuma longa , Strychnosnux - vomica, P''seudolarix amabilis , Cercis chinensis , Kochia scoparia, Ricinus communis , Croton tiglium, Angelica dahurlca , Aconitum spp. , Nardostachys chinensis, Stellera chamaejas-ma and Ceratrum album. The contact action and stomach toxicity action of these extracts on Mythimna separata and the fumiga-tion activity of the ether extracts on the adults of Liposcelis bostrychophila were tested in laboratory. C. tiglium, Aconitum spp. , C. longa, C. chinensis and Pseudolarix amabilis, showed evident insecticidal activities. M. separata larvae were fed on corn leaves treated with the extracts diluted 10 times. After 48 hours, their corrected mortality of ethanol extracts was 43. 3% , 46.7%, 22.2%, 25.8% and22.6%, respectively; that of ether extracts was 65. 0%, 55.0%, 60.0%, 30. 0 and 60, 0%, re-spectively. When 3 -instar larvae of M. separata were treated by topical application with 1 fA extracts diluted to 20 times with ac-etone, the corrected mortality of their ethanol extracts after 48 hours was 72, 5% , 25.0%, 10.0%, 37.5% and 32,5%, respec-tively; that of their ether extracts was 60. 0% , 40, 0% , 35, 0% , 7. 5% and 27. 5% , respectively; and the extracts from P. ama-bilis and C. chinensis showed certain anesthetic action. When L. bostrychophila was fumigated with the ethanol extracts of C. chinensis, C. longa, S. vulgaris and P. amercana, their corrected mortality was 100%, 95%, 100% and 80%, respectively. The other 10 Chinese traditional herbal plants had no evident fumigation activity.


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