Karyotype analysis of medicinal plant Liriope spicata var. prolifera (Liliaceae)

作者 Zhou, Qun; Zhou, Jianqiu; Chen, Jiachun; Wang, Xiaogang

期刊 BIOLOGIA , AUG 2009,4:64

摘要 Karyotype of Liriope spicata var. prolifera, a Chinese endemic species, was described in detail for the first time. Its proto-variety L. spicata was also investigated for comparison. The basic chromosome number of these two species was x = 18. L. spicata var. prolifera, recorded as triploid 2n = 54, consisted of 30 metacentric chromosomes and 24 submetacentric chromosomes. Only one chromosome of the 11th group had a secondary constriction with a satellite in the short arm. L. Spicata was tetraploid 2n = 72 and consisted of four sets of 6 submetacentric chromosomes and 12 metacentric chromosomes without visible satellites. This paper provides further available data on Liriope chromosomes, and also indicates that L. spicata var. prolifera and L. spicata are probably separate species.


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