Activity stimulating osteoblast-like cells proliferation of some traditional Chinese medicinal herbs and other plants

作者 Li, FM; Wang, DW; Jiang, ZM; Gao, XY; Zhao, HQ


摘要 Activity stimulating proliferation of osteoblast-like UMR106 cells was assayed in 97 traditional Chinese medicinal herbs and other plants. The cells were co-cultured with alcohol or aqueous extracts of plants, the cell proliferation was measured by the MTT method. Significant promotion of cell proliferation was observed in 11 of 24 alcohol extracts, and in 6 of 9 tested aqueous extracts, from kidney-tonifying traditional Chinese medicinal herbs. For those other than kidney-tonifying medicines, 2 of 20 alcohol extracts and 3 of 11 aqueous extracts markedly stimulated the proliferation of UMR106 cells. Only 2 alcohol extracts from 53 plants not yet being used as medication agents were found active. These active extracts may be a stimulator of bone formation and potential source of drugs for osteoporosis therapy or prevention. There is a promising possibility of using natural plants, particularly kidney-tonifying traditional Chinese medicinal herbs, as an alternative intervention for osteoporosis.


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